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meu pc q lute com os 30 mods q to baixando;Damei o mod

o mod é bom!! porém muitos itens estão bugados ou com a qualidade ruim (a cor saindo pra fora da outline ou sumindo, acessórios pixelados) e alguns deles não são tão bonitos {Acessório 107/237}), mas as cabeças me ajudaram bastante na hora de fazer oc. Uma melhoria na qualidade geral dos acessórios é tudo que falta pro mod ser perfeito!! vou usar ele bastante :D

Oi, fico feliz que gostou do mod! Mas eu parei de trabalhar nele faz um tempo já, porque estava dando muito trabalho e meu computador é um tijolo que chamo de pc. O item 237 é do gacha original mesmo, então não entendi?

Ah, eu não sabia disso, perdão (mod é bem difícil de fazer ent eu entendo 😭) mas ainda assim, o mod é muito bom!! se algum dia tiver intenção de voltar a trabalhar nele, eu definitivamente acompanharia o progresso :D
sobre o item, eu sabia a qual estava me referindo (o das fotos do mod), mas pra poupar o trabalho de abrir o mod eu coloquei o numero indicado na própria foto 😔
(OBS: printzinha do meu sans e chara fav feitos usando seu mod, o colar de coração eh mto bonitinho)

Tudo bem, e os itens nas fotos eram de quando ainda não sabia de uma técnica pra ficar com uma qualidade boa, aí eu peguei um png e botei lá no mod

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the comments said it's not going to work if you already downloaded other mod/s, but i've downloaded 6 mods before i download this one. I made Cross!Sans :D

I like your cross oc

tysm! <3

(2 edits)

Wednesday charaters stuck in a room be like WITH THERE UN AQJUSTED VERSON


Don't make gacha characters 

talk with their mouth open it makes

Their character just boring



I'm giving Oc tips

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes Ik But I'm Confused About What You Where Saying

"Don't make gacha characters 

talk with their mouth open it makes

Their character just boring"



I'm giving Character tips

what making there mouth close make it boring

To: Creator, it's not downloading, I was thinking if u can reply n tell whats the problem, thank you<3★™

U cool 👁👄👁💅

look at me

It doesn't work because I have other gacha mods😭😭


It says that it is not installed! I am so confused! I havent evan had this gacha mod before!

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Maybe it's because of another gacha mod you have

so I recently found this out again, but if you don't have gacha club uninstalled or have other mods, then it likely will not work

sorry for not responding, there may be problems if you have gacha ultra, gacha cute or gacha café, maybe if you have gacha club but im not sure

hey request can you do gacha nightmare as a mod? I. give. up. on the mod + i'm not a good drawer nice mod I give 19/22

Merry chrismas everyone

Merry Xmas to u to


Hey uh I'm been trying to get this mod I deleted all mods that can't work with it and I wanted to know how I can get it keep saying app not installed   so is this 23 bits or  

it's 32 bits


thanks merry x mas


since I’m on apple iPad, I cant get it. But this mod seems so cool! One day when I get an computer I’ll get this mod! :D. 

Adorei aida mais a parte do criador ter sido atencioso e botado uma piquena tradução em português:)

If My phone dosesnt get the App im going   break it


New oc be like:

Can I have the code for the wasp that is holding the banana in the photo?

Please add HP chromebook! I want to get it, but since I am not on windows or android I can't. It makes me feel like I shouldn't be apart of the gacha community, since everyone else has mods except me.


nice 👍


toalhas de bain.


nice 👍

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i need an adobe air thing i don't have could someone help me? + i can't install on the phone btw i have theese gachas:

Gacha want

Gacha neon

Gacha club

I had the same problem with Adobe Air, decided to download it. Having Adobe Air didn't help, but for me at least, only the desktop shortcut wasn't working and I could run it from the taskbar. Hope this helps <3

i run it from the task card buts its anyoing when it says short cut deleted

It might be because the mod used a copy of one of those as a base.

I’m sad I can’t get it:,[ I have an apple so it makes me upset

Its not letting me install it and idk why

Olá~ eu tenho baixa o aplicativo mas isso aparece 


talvez vc tenha o gacha cute, gacha ultra ou gacha café

I keep downloading it but it says

Do you want to upload gacha fandoms and I don't know why

upload it

but I don't have the mod

do you have gacha ultra, cute or café? it may have some issues if you do

Love this mod! Thx for making this mod!

beans :3


That’s cute


thank you!

nice 👍

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Me irl 

Sorry if u sont support

Making my high school life


why are you always on the floor in high school with your hand up... like bro stop lying because you probably never get on the floor start crying and put your hand up... 💀

idk but do you like the ocs

It said it's having trouble listing the things in the APK I'm gonna keep trying I'm hoping there's some Harry Potter stuff prob not but it's worth a try?

this was random lol-   :)  P.S pls ignore the tabs

Its soooooooo good

(1 edit)

Everytime I would try and download it it would say app not installed do I need to uninstall a gacha mod of some sort

how do I use it?

nooo instaled pls help me creator :

i have a windows and it's on my winrar but it extracts the files but isnt opening??? anyone help

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See? P.s dont mind my wallpaper


My phone is saying it is not an app or something like that.

Ehhh eu não tô conseguindo baixar o app e dá seguinte mensagem (que está em português porque eu moro no Brasil =-= enfim ^w^)

 Espero que arrume ou consertar, porque tô curiosa pra ver como funciona por dentro se têm algo novo e só 


Fajna gra

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